Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bar music

At the bar we like to play mostly 80's music. Of course there are people who play other stuff too, but Journey, Styx, and the rest are the cornerstomes of the tavern. What kind of stuff is usually playing when you guys go to the bar? Let me know below.


  1. I live in a college town, so it's mostly modern hip hop and rap mixed with some rock classics or 90s nostalgia.

  2. Me and my friends usually enjoy metal.

  3. I don't really go to the bars around here. There's too many douches that frequent them for my tastes. Musical tastes are a pretty broad spectrum, though. I like a lot of things, but for a social drinking environment, probably some relatively peaceful jazz or classical music.

    Rereading that makes me feel old, and I'm not even old. Huh.

  4. Anything is good at the bar except karaoke

  5. Usually it's 80's or 90's rock. Sometimes some classic stuff pops up.

  6. very nice keep on posting =D

  7. I always put $5 in the jukebox and play Chumbawumba's 'Tub Thumpin' 10 times in a row.

  8. ThirtySeven, You are now my favorite person of the week.
